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English Language Learners (ELL)

The English Language Learner (ELL) program is funded by federal, state and local funds. The program provides language instruction to eligible students whose native language is not English. To qualify for the program, students are assessed on the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21), which measures speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Students whose scores indicate they are in need of assistance receive ELL services.

There are several instructional delivery models for ELL services. In the Okanogan School District, we offer:

  • Content-Based Instruction (or Sheltered Instruction) and
  • Supportive Mainstream in all schools

ELL services are available at:

  • Virginia Grainger Elementary
  • Okanogan Middle School
  • Okanogan High School 

Students are tested each February/March to measure their level of English proficiency. Those who reach the Proficient level transition out of the ELL program, but will be monitored for 2 years following their exit to ensure that they are meaningfully participating in their classes similar to students who were never in an ELL program.

For further information about the state and federal requirements for EL programs, please see the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction website:
For more information about the ELL program at your child's school, please contact:
Michelle Daling
(509) 422-3580