The Title I Program is a federally-funded program designed to provide additional intervention and support to students struggling academically in school attendance areas having a high concentration of children from low income families. Services are provided though push-in or pull out services. There are two types of Title I programs: Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance.
Schools that qualify for Title I Program funding are:
These schools receive additional staffing to support teachers with reading and math interventions, and to provide supplemental instruction in reading and math for struggling students. The funding supports also staff time for professional development and parent involvement activities. EligibilityA student is eligible for Title 1 services if he/she scores below grade-level standard in ELA or mathematics. Districts must use multiple measures of performance in determining student eligibility. Parent/Guardian CommunicationOnce students have been identified as eligible for Title I services a letter is sent home to parents. Also a letter is sent home when students have met the Title I program goals and no longer need Title I supplemental services.
District Data collectionThe Okanogan School District collaborates and communicates with the Student Services department to ensure all students who are eligible for Title I services are marked correctly in Skyward (for state reporting and report card purposes). For further information about the state and federal requirements for the Title I Program, please visit the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction website. Program support staff