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Referral Form for Special Education Evaluation
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Parent and Student Rights: Procedural Safeguards

Restraint and Isolation Policy

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OSPI Engagement and Guidance for Families - Special Education in Washington State

Parent-to-Parent Program
Parent to Parent of Okanogan County walks alongside those parenting children with developmental disabilities and/or special health care needs, connecting them with peer support and information so they can take the next step..
Phone:  (509) 826-6191 or Email: 

Okanogan County Health District


University of  Washington TRAINING VIDEOS
Neurodiversity and Autism
Independent Work Systems
Routines and Structure
Embedding Goals into Daily Routines 

Local Resources

Bright Start Services - Early Intervention - Birth to age 3
Phone:  (509) 826-1550 or Email:

 Dads M.O.V.E. Special Needs Advocacy
Phone:  Toll-free (800) 736-0979 or (509) 429-6704.

Northwest Center Employment Services and Community Inclusion Services
Phone:  (509) 826-2417

Okanogan County S.M.A.R.T. Coalition (School and Medical Autism Review Team) Autism screening and referral
Phone:  (509) 826-8476 or Email:

 The Arc of Spokane - local chapter providing advocacy and programs for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Phone:  (509) 328-6326 or Email:

Other Developmental Disabilities Resources

Children and Youth with Special Health Care needs (CYSHCN) for ages 0-18 with, or at risk for, chronic conditions requiring services beyond what is generally needed.
Phone:  Toll-free (800) 525-0127 or (360) 236-4501

Northwest Autism Center - free autism screening, resources, and education.
Phone:  (509) 328-1582  Hours:  Mon-Fri, 8:00-4:30p

PAVE school advocacy
Phone:  Toll-free (800) 5-PARENT or (253) 565-2266 or Email:

Seattle Children’s Autism Center - diagnosis, resources, and education.
Phone:  Toll-free (866) 987-2000  (866) 583-1527 (languages other than English)
TTY (206-987-0391

Social Security Administration - SSI Supplemental Security Income, or SSDI Disability Benefits

The Arc of Washington State advocacy and programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Phone:  Toll-free (888) 754-8798 or Email:

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights - ensuring equal access to education.  WA Office Phone:  (206) 607-1600 TDD (800) 877-8339 or Email:

University of Washington Autism Center - diagnosis, resources, and education.
Phone:  (206-221-6806. 

University of Washington DO-IT- technology and educational programs, and resources for individuals with developmental disabilities.  Phone:  Toll-free voice or TTY (888) 972-3648 or Spokane office voice or TTY (509) 328-9331

WA State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) advocacy for equitable policies, programs, and practices for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Phone:  Toll-free (866) 252-2939

WA State Health Care Authority - Children’s Medicaid/Apple Health
Phone:  (855) 682-0787 or 711 for the Washington Relay Service or Email: