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This form is required if your student requires medication at school. This must be completed whether your student has medication administered by school staff OR if your student self carries the medication.

The only medication that can be given by staff at Okanogan School District are oral medications which includes inhalers/nebulizers & epi-pens. Please remember topical ointments, eye drops, ear drops and other non-oral medications cannot be administered by school staff. This is a state law.

Contact Your Health Care Provider

Have your healthcare provider determine if your child will require medication to be kept at school
If your child will need meds at school, your provider must complete a medication authorization form. This form also requires a parent/guardian signature. If your child is self carrying his/her medication it must be approved by the provider, parent & school nurse that the child is capable of doing so. If your child requires medication to be kept at school in the office, please have the supply of medication with authorization in the office prior to school starting-For life threatening conditions medication is REQUIRED before the student can start school. If your child has a life threatening health condition that requires medication at school, it is WA state law that the required medication be in place prior to school starting

SAFETYKeep your student's health & emergency medical information updated with current names and telephone numbers by contacting your school. Student Health Information is updated yearly. Please keep your school nurse updated on your child's health status, such as surgeries, medications, illnesses/diseases, new diagnoses, or other conditions that may affect your child's school performance. Certain health conditions may require an Individual Health Plan (IHP) for the safety and well being of your child.

Please contact your school nurse if you believe your child may benefit from an Individual Health Plan.

Vision & Hearing Screening

Washington State law requires school district to perform an annual health screening for vision and hearing.

  • Students may be referred to their school nurse for individual screening by a parent or teacher.
  • Vision screening checks for distance vision problems.
  • Registered nurses re-screen all students who do not pass the first screening.

These screening services do not take the place of examinations performed by your eye specialist or family physician.

Hearing screenings are preformed by the by the Speech & Language department.  If you receive a referral for further evaluation, please notify the school once the evaluation has been completed.