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The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) offers supplemental services for K–12 students scoring below grade-level standard in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level and addressing barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction. They may include academic readiness skill development or behavior supports. The intent is for LAP-served students to increase academic growth during the period of time they are provided services.

Schools that qualify for LAP Program funding are:

  • Virginia Grainger Elementary
  • Okanogan Middle School
  • Okanogan High School
  • Okanogan Outreach School
  • Okanogan Alternative School

These schools receive additional staffing to support teachers with reading interventions, and to provide supplemental instruction in reading or math for struggling students. The funding supports also supports staff time for professional development and parent involvement activities.

For further information about the state and federal requirements for the LAP program, please visit the 

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction website
or contact Michelle Daling; or 509-422-3580 ext. 2110