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The District is committed to ensuring that all District-sponsored programs, activities, meetings, and services will be accessible to individuals with disabilities, including persons who have impaired hearing, vision or speech.

Requesting Communication Aids or Services for a Program, Activity, or Event: 
Individuals who may need an auxiliary aid or service to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a program, activity, meeting, or event should contact the school or District office as soon as possible and no later than forty-eight (48) hours before a scheduled program or activity so that the District can make necessary arrangements. The District will make reasonable efforts to accommodate any requests made less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of a program, activity, meeting, or event. For auxiliary aids or services specifically during a meeting of the Board of Directors, the request should be made directly to the office of the Superintendent.

First page of the PDF file: 4217_Effective_Communication
First page of the PDF file: 4217P_Effective_Communication