Welcome to our Staff Wellness Page
The District Staff Wellness Committee is a group of volunteers who want to help staff with overall wellness by providing resources and ideas while organizing and facilitating a variety of activities that contribute to our overall wellness both at work and in our personal lives. If a staff member ever wants to join the committee or has an idea for a resource or an activity, please reach out to one of the committee members. We welcome your ideas and your participation.
Committee Members:
Kevin Risdon (Speech Pathologist), Tori Stone (Paraeducator), Dennis O'Connor (Teacher), Stacy McClellan (Paraeducator), Steve Quick (Superintendent), and Lisa Bauer (Substitute)
Wellness resources:
(Earn points while completing wellness activities. 2000 points results in a $125 deductible credit in your SEBB plan...points must be earned by November 30th.) If you missed the deadline for this year, you can start earning points for the following year.
(Family & Relationships, Financial & Legal, Career & Professional, Home & Living, Health & Well-Being, Education & Learning): Sign up and learn more by clicking here
Need Help? Need to speak with a professional?
Call 800-932-0034 for help
Local Mental Health: Okanogan Behavioral Health available 24/7 800-852-2923 or 509-826-6191. You can also call or text 988
Between January 1st and May 31st the wellness committee is offering the challenge of logging your steps/miles for a wellness challenge. Just for random fun sake, we're HEADED NORTH on HWY 97 deep into BC to Moberly Lake (725 miles). Not sure if anyone's been there (doubtful), but we'd like everyone to make the goal of logging enough mileage everyday starting January 1st to get there virtually. Once a few people log some mileage, we'll create a google map so you can see where you are in relation to everyone else. We'll also send updates. Please start logging your daily progress January 1st and come back each day to log. Keep track of your steps as well as your daily walking/running workouts via your watch, your phone, or a pedometer...whatever works best for you! It's the honor system. To complete the challenge, you'll need to average 4.76 miles per day. The American Heart Association recommends that we walk 5 miles a day, so this will get you awfully close to that! Bookmark this link for future reference. Please make sure you enter the same email address each time that is spelled correctly:) A cool tee shirt will be given to anyone completing the challenge at the end of the school year.